Key benefits of vitamin C for skin heath

The skin is a the human body’s biggest organ. Protecting and giving it the right nutrition to thrive is very important. Vitamin C is a ‘skin vitamin’ with outstanding antioxidant properties,  playing a large part in the production of collagen and aiding in the healing of wounds. The consumption and the topical application of vitamin C is very beneficial to skin health. 

Benefits of Vitamin C for the skin


UV protection

UV light can zap the vitamins and really cause our skin a lot of havoc! Vitamins C, although it is not a ‘sunscreen’ due to the fact is does not absorb the UV light can help to limit the amount of UV damaging free radicals with it’s amazing anti-oxidant properties. 


The oxidative damage caused by free-radicals and time causes changes to our skin structure. These are wrinkles. Apart from the antioxidant properties of vitamin C helping to reduce wrinkles. Vitamin C actually aids in the regulation of the making of the structural protein, collagen. 

Wound healing

A common symptom of the old sailor’s disease causes by vitamin C deficiency, scurvy, is poor wound healing. When you have a wound the body demands collagen to aid in the recovery. process. Vitamin C play a vital role in the production of collagen. 

Skin de-colouration 

Vitamin C helps prevent photochemical reactions from UV exposure. These reactions can cause  skin discolourations. Along with this, vitamin C also inhibits the production of Pyrimidine dimers which are the primary cause of melanoma!.

Skin texture

Under our skin we have tiny blood vessels which provide the skin with oxygen and important nutrients. Collagen, whose production is aided by vitamin C is very important for the structure and health of these tiny blood vessels. Along with this, vitamin C increases the production of  elastin which help to protect and thicken the skin. Helping to retain moisture and increase circulation.

Source of vitamin C

  • Oranges
  • 1 large: 82 mg (over 100% DV)
  • Red peppers
  • ½ cup chopped, raw: 95 mg (over 100% DV)
  • Kale
  • 1 cup: 80 mg (134% DV)
  • Brussels sprouts
  • ½ cup cooked: 48 mg (80% DV)
  • Broccoli
  • ½ cup cooked: 51 mg (107% DV)
  • Strawberries
  • ½ cup: 42 mg (70% DV)
  • Grapefruit
  • ½ cup: 43 mg (71% DV)
  • Guava
  • 1 fruit: 125 mg (over 100% DV)
  •  Kiwi
  • 1 piece: 64 mg (33% DV)
  • Green peppers
  • ½ c chopped, raw: 60 mg (100% DV)